Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Informative Speech - 1080 Words

Topic: Seven Wonders of the Medieval World Specific Purpose: In today’s society culture is being lost to technology and money each of the seven wonders is an attribute to a culture, and this is why people should to know it. Thesis Statement: Seven Medieval wonders of the world are structural representations of the cultures that built them. Attention gain material: There are more than one world’s seven wonders. Credibility statement: â€Å"As the great civilizations of antiquity warped, the memory of the ancient wonders washed out and so the great minds of medieval age like their classical predecessors was fascinated by the astounding architecture people erected.† (All 2004). Preview: I will be informing you about the seven wonders of the†¦show more content†¦B. Colosseum 1. According to National Geographic (2007), the Colosseum is located in Rome, Italy- that once held up to 50,000 spectators who came to watch gory games involving gladiators, wild animals, and prisoners fighting to the death. 2. The Colosseum is not just a colossal structure situated at the heart of Rome; it was companion to the history of the great Roman Empire which boldly outlived the Empire facing all strives and tribulations associated with the fall of the Empire. C. Catacombs of Kom el Shoqafa 1. These catacombs date back to the late first century AD. Kom ElShuqafa lies on the site where the village and fishing port of Rhakotis, the oldest part of Alexandria that predates Alexander the Great, was located. 2. Catacombs of Kom El-Shuqafa is the Arab translation of the ancient Greet name; Lofus Kiramaikods, which means â€Å"Mound of Shards† or â€Å"PotsSherds† D. Great Wall of China 1. Unfolding a considerable part of the Chinese culture beyond the wall. The Great Wall has long been incorporated into Chinese mythology and popular symbolism for over the past 2000 years. 2. The Great Wall was originally built in the spring, autumn, and warring states periods as a defensive fortification by the three states: Yan, Zhao and Qin. The Great Wall went through constan t extensions and repairs in later dynasties. In fact, it began as independent walls for different states when it was first built, and did not become the Great wall untilShow MoreRelatedInformative Speech Essay855 Words   |  4 Pagestype of speech would the speaker choose. Well chapter 13 contents the creative process for informative speaking. What informative speaking is how to choose a focused informative topic, how to conduct a research and informative outline? The chapter also contains how to organize the body, introduction, and conclusion of the informative speech. Lastly chapter 13 contents explain how to prepare to present the speech and evaluate and informative speech. 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